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Welcome to the QuizMoz What Milky-Maid are you. QuizMoz offers one of the Internet's largest collection of quizzes for you to tease your brain and pit your wits against the experienced QuizMoz quiz masters. Go ahead and find out what you know about yourself and the world around you. Best of luck!!

There is a moe-moe alien maid in us all. Which are you?

Quiz Created by:
QuizMoz User
Creation Date: 22 March 2024
1. If you could pick how big your chest was, you'd go...
a.Way, way bigger!
b.A little bit bigger.
d.I'd stay the same size.
2. How effeminate are you?
a.I don't have an effeminate bone in my body.
b.Give me ALL the pink and frills!
c.I'm in touch with my "feminine" side, but it doesn't define me.
3. The hobbies you gravitate towards are mostly...
4. What's your hometown most like?
5. You've been kidnapped and ordered to become a maid. How do you react?
a.Look for ways to escape.
b.Immediately become emotional.
c.Wait to see if you're in danger before making a move.
6. Your sense of humor is more...
7. You've got a date! Where are you going?
a.Historical or Art Museum
c.Rage Room
8. And finally... what's your favorite flavor of milk?

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What others think about What Milky-Maid are you
By: Sara on 11/2/2024
  This quiz helped me to discover a new facet of my personality
By: Nittin on 11/1/2024
   Personality tests are a great way to test one's personality traits. This personality test helped me to discover new insights of my personality. It has very easy to understand instructions.
By: John on 10/31/2024
  A great personality test, it really gives you an understanding about one's strong and weak personality and behavior traits
By: Robin on 10/30/2024
  A great personality test, it really gives you an understanding about ones personality and behavior
By: David on 10/29/2024
  Great test, it really gives you an understanding about yourself
By: Anne on 10/28/2024
  This Personality test is very easy, informative and it helped me to discover new facts about my personality
By: Monica on 10/27/2024
  This Personality test is very easy to understand, and is a great test for kids. I think all kids must attempt this personality test.
By: Steve on 10/26/2024
  This Personality test helped me to discover new insights of my personality
By: Henry on 10/25/2024
  This personality test is really great, it really gives you an understanding about one's personality and behavior traits and motivates you to improve the weaker traits.

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