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Welcome to the QuizMoz Paramecium Quiz. QuizMoz offers one of the Internet's largest collection of quizzes for you to tease your brain and pit your wits against the experienced QuizMoz quiz masters. Go ahead and find out what you know about yourself and the world around you. Best of luck!!

Take the Paramecium Quiz and discover some interesting facts about the slipper-shaped ciliate which is found in oxygenated aquatic environments.
1. Which of the following attributes describe the paramecium?
d.All of the above
2. Which is the smallest species of  the paramecia?
a.Paramecium bursaria
b.Paramecium multimicronucleatum
c.Paramecium caudatum
d.Paramecium putrinum
3. Which is the largest of the paramecia?
a.Paramecium bursaria
b.Paramecium multimicronucleatum
c.Paramecium caudatum
d.Paramecium putrinum
4. Which species is said to be the most agile of the paramecia?
a.Paramecium bursaria
b.Paramecium multimicronucleatum
c.Paramecium caudatum
d.Paramecium putrinum
5. Paramecia are a key link in detritus-based food webs in aquatic ecosystems.
6. Most paramecia are:
d.All of the above
7. Oldest reported fossil Paramecium was discovered in a piece of amber dating back to the:
a.Jurassic period
b.Triassic period
c.Permian period
d.Cretaceous period
8. Which continent was home to ancestral paramecia that have subsequently been separated by continental drift:
9. The macronucleus participates in the following processes, namely:
a.Reproduction process
b.Sexual process
c.Daily activities
d.Growth process
10. The micronucleus participates in the process of:
a.Reproduction process
b.Sexual process
c.Daily activities
d.Growth process
11. The size of a paramecium ranges from:
a.40 to 100 µm in length
b.50 to 200 µm in length
c.50 to 300 µm in length
d.50 to 400 µm in length
12. Paramecia are widespread in freshwater environments, and are especially common in:
a.Salty water
d.Drainage water
13. What is the Paramecium's predator?
a.Entamoeba Histolytica
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What others think about Paramecium
By: Mr.Campbell on Jun 15, 2010
  Wow. Paramecium make me so emotional. What beautiful creatures.
By: Sarah on May 31, 2010
  Paramecium have hair like structures called cilia which allow them to move :)
By: Holaa on May 11, 2010
  We are doing a project on paramecium!
By: Anita on Sep 24, 2009
  They are so cool!
By: Claire and Jenny on Sep 11, 2009
  We have just discovered paramoecium, and they are AWESOME! Did you know that they can do somersaults?
By: Sparkle on May 13, 2009
  Parameciums are football shaped.
By: David Jacob Z. Sala on Mar 26, 2009
  An average paramecia can consume 2,000 bacteria each day and can reproduce sexually and asexually.
By: idk on Jan 16, 2009
  over 80,000 different species have been identified
By: TIM on Jan 10, 2009
  Paramecium have the ability to consume 5000 bacteria in one day!
By: poop on Jan 5, 2009
  poop is a funny word!
By: Bobby McFloyd on Nov 9, 2008
  paramecium are cool

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