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Welcome to the QuizMoz Optimism Test. QuizMoz offers one of the Internet's largest collection of quizzes for you to tease your brain and pit your wits against the experienced QuizMoz quiz masters. Go ahead and find out what you know about yourself and the world around you. Best of luck!!

The Quizmoz Optimism Test is devised in a way that will help you in estimating whether the glass is half-full or half-empty for you. This test will also give you a detailed, in-depth analysis of your thoughts and your outlook on life and how you can improve on your weaker points.
1. I like to believe that the future will hold a new joy for me.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
2. On a general basis, I think that I allow myself to be happier than most people.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
3. I am satisfied with the way that my life is shaping up.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
4. I start each day with a positive approach and a fresh frame of mind.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
5. I enjoy my work and since I love what I do, it is not exactly "work" for me.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
6. I am basically a confident person and I don't fret about things on which a decision has already been made.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
7. I believe that I am a sensible and just person and have full confidence in my sense of judgment.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
8. I don't expect things to always go wrong just because they do so occasionally.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
9. I like to believe that I will and I can achieve all that I aspire to achieve in my life.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
10. I generally take life as it comes and don't give in to feelings of utter despair.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
11. I like to believe that things happen for a reason and not just to spoil my day.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
12. People would usually see me as being a happy-go-lucky kind of a person.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
13. I love to take chances as I believe that they will pay off.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
14. I always start new things with a positive approach.  
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
15. My main object in life is to lead a happy and contented life.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
16. People around me catch up on my positive vibes and generally stay calm.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
17. Even in uncertain times, I usually expect the best.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
18. I enjoy my friends and their company quite a lot.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
19. I love to spend a lazy day with friends and family every now and then.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
20. I can take a break from tensions at work and find it in me to relax and stay composed.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
21. I don't get upset too easily.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
22. I don't get disheartened or give up on things easily.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
23. I never say never.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
24. I am able to confront problems, both in my professional and personal life smoothly, and without getting a panic or anxiety attack.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false
25. Generally, I expect more good things to happen to me than bad.
a.This statement about me is completely true
b.This statement about me is mostly true
c.This statement about me may be true or false
d.This statement about me is mostly false
e.This statement about me is completely false

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What others think about Optimism Test
By: Ashley Miller on Sep 13, 2013
  I think this test will open peoples eyes to what they are really like.
By: Vi Tran on Jan 10, 2011
  Ahh some of the question got me thinking about my current life so this test was alright
By: RAMESHWAR SAHARAN on Aug 31, 2010
  good interesting
By: Lisa on Nov 4, 2009
By: Shane on Oct 7, 2009
  Im waiting to get my results first
By: Dan on Aug 6, 2009
By: Eric on Jul 26, 2009
  seems nice wonder what's my score ^^
By: Beanie on Jul 20, 2009
  Every day is a winding road... Every new beginning is some other beginning's end.
By: Sean on Jul 6, 2009
  It can be easy to go down the road of negative thought patterns. It takes a couple months to change your habits...like working out at the gym. I need to take my own advice-Life is too short.
By: Janice on Jun 12, 2009
  I think that the questions were a good measure of the general attitude of a person. The only problem is that you know what the answer "should" be to be marked as optimistic. This may cloud your reasoning when trying to determine what to answer. The test would be better if the questio
By: Mayra on Jun 12, 2009
  Positive Attitude is they KEY to sucess!
By: Angus B. on Apr 29, 2009
  As Miss Frizzle says, "Take Chances, Get Messy, and Make Mistakes!"
By: rasha on Mar 19, 2009
  You always get what you expect so... u must always be optimistic decide to be happy.
By: Morgan on Feb 6, 2009
  I believe that this test is full of generalities, but all in all, its a good reflection of my personality.
By: Tasha T. on Feb 6, 2009
  Erica and I took this quiz together pretty much and we had a jolly ol time doing it.... I don't know what optimism means but hopefully this will give us a better feel:P Never say Never!
By: Erica H on Feb 6, 2009
  So Tasha T "never say never" my go lucky friend :) have some optimism it will go a long way. this was a lot better than doing homework in class.
By: C-Ver on Feb 6, 2009
  Ting ting... Holla.
By: brandon on Feb 6, 2009
  it made me sad
By: Anna on Feb 6, 2009
  It was a pleasure to take the test.
By: Britt-Britt on Feb 6, 2009
  it made me happy just by taking it!!!!
By: shelby on Dec 11, 2008
  this is a quiz about optimism... i took it because my psychology teacher told us to do it in a lesson the other day, it was meant to be homework i think but im just doing it now because i like quizzes.
By: Lauren on Oct 23, 2008
  i liked it

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